Tomato Crostini Dessert Recipe is one of the most traditional desserts in Italian Cuisine. You might try different type of Italian dessert before but Tomato Crostini Dessert is so special and extra delectable. You may try our Tomato Crostini Dessert Recipes and give your family and friends a special impression in these dessert recipes. Besides, you can discover more information about Tomato Crostini, such as History of Tomato Crostini.
Are you looking for Tomato Crostini Dessert Recipes? Ingredients used? Steps to make it? That’s good! You may gain our best Tomato Crostini Recipe via SBCanning. Enjoy your reading!
Tomato Crostini Dessert Recipe
During my University days, Tomato Crostini is one of my favourite breakfasts, which was prepared by my housemate or me. I believed that fresh tomato is good beauty treatment for the face. Tomato Crostini is quick-made Italian dessert, which made of small slice of grilled or toasted bread and topping with tomato mixture. The mixture is including the plum tomatoes, onion, garlic cloves, basil and olive oil. There are variations of ingredients, which can be top over the Crostini dessert, such as cheese, herb, meat, seafood, and vegetable. Sometimes, Crostini can be soak in hot soup and dine in. Tomato is known as more nutritious food because of it is good to improve skin texture and colour, and reduce the blood cholesterol.
History of Tomato Crostini Dessert Recipe
The history of Crostini dessert recipes was originated in Italy during many centuries ago. Crostini is an Italian word, which means little toasts and it also an Italian appetizer. The Crostini dessert can be found throughout Italy, even some European countries. There are variation of Crostini dessert, which you can try it, such as Avocado Shrimp Crostini, Slamon Crostini, Mushroom Crostini and Mozzarella Crostini.

Tomato Crostini Dessert
- 1 French baguette, sliced
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 tablespoon onion, finely chopped
- 4 plum tomatoes, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons fresh basil, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons cheese, grated
- Preheat the oven to 400°F.
- In a bowl, combine the garlic cloves, plum tomatoes, basil and onion until well incorporated. And then, add olive oil into the tomatoes mixture. Set aside.
- Brush one side of bread with olive oil and place on baking sheet with oiled side up.
- Place into the preheated oven for 5 minutes.
- Remove it out from oven and spoon tomato mixture on warm baguette and garnish with grated cheese.
- Serve Tomato Crostini warm. Enjoy it!
- Pepper and vinegar can be added into tomato mixture, it is depending on individual favourite.
- While baking, you should set the correct degrees and timing (burnt if the degree too high)
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