One of myFB followers, Dee, who has recently started commenting and posting some ofher work put up some amazing jars over the last few days and I was reallyexcited to see her mint jelly and in particular her honeysuckle jelly.
The coloris beautiful and the idea of using edible flowers as you may not know is one ofmy favorite things to write about. There is something about using parts of thebeautiful plants that are edible in nature and turning them into something in ajar that makes me excited. If youhaven’t tried the Pansy Butter, Lavender jelly, or Dandelion jelly on my siteyou will love them.
Thank youDee for sharing your recipe and the adaptations you did. I know that it will bea hit with those that are like me looking for a floral and delicate taste forour jellies.

Honey suckle Jelly
- 4 cups honey suckle flowers
- 4 cups boiling water
- 1/4 c. lemon juice
- 4 cups sugar
- 1 package liquid pectin
- Prepare 7 half pint jars in hot water. You will needto make an infusion of the flowers with water. Snip the flowers and remove thegreen tip at the bottom of each blossom.
- Bring 4 cups of water to a boil andadd the honeysuckle blossoms. Cover the pot or container and allow steeping for45 minutes gently stirring them occasionally.
- Strain the flowers using a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer. You will need twocups of the liquid infusion for the recipe.
- In a stainless steel pot combine the 2 cups ofhoneysuckle water with lemon juice and sugar and cook on medium high stirringconstantly. Bring to a boil.
- Once the recipe is at a boil add the pectin andcontinue to boil for 2 more minutes. You want the mixture to be boil so thatyou can’t stir it down.
- Note: Make sure you are using a tall enough saucepan sothat the boil will not rise over the top during the boil. Remove from heat.
- Ladle jelly into hot, sterilized half pint canningjars, leaving 1/4" headspace. Remove air bubbles and refill ifnecessary.
- Wipe rims, and add hot lids and rings. Place the jars in thewater bath making sure that the water covers each of the jars by 1 to 2 inches.Add hot water to the canner if it doesn't measure up.
- Cover the pot and turn upthe heat under the canner and wait for the water to start boiling. Once thewater has come to a boil start your timer for 10 minutes.
- When complete turnoff the heat and remove the cover and let the jars sit for another few minutes.
- Remove the jars and place them back on the dishtowel in a place that they willsit overnight to cool. Do not touch or move them till the next morning.
- Sometime in the next hour your jars will be making a"pinging" or "popping" noise. That is the glass cooling andthe reaction of the lids being sucked into the jar for proper sealing. Somerecipes may take overnight to seal. Check your lids and reprocess any jars thatdid not seal.
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